+852 9774 9057 knock@tinycode.hk

Tiny Code Hong Kong

The only institution in Hong Kong offering private STEM and Coding Classes both Online and In-Home. Expert instructors teaching Python, App Development, Web Programming, Robotics and AI.

Upcoming Events

October Holiday Camps 2019

Fall 2019

Regular Weekly Classes

From: September 28, 2019

In Wan Chai
Trial Classes - September 2019

Trial Classes

From: September 14, 2019

In Wan Chai
October Holiday Camps 2019

Save $200

Early Bird Discount

Until September 20, 2019

In Wan Chai
Summer Holiday Camps 2023

Summer Holiday Camps

5 Day Online/In-Home Camps

From: June 3 to August 23

Why Tiny Code?

Progress Updates to Parents

We provide regular course progress updates to parents after every class. This is the best way for parents to keep close track of the their children’s learning path.

Maximum 6 Students in a Class

We believe in paying attention. All our classes consist of no more than 6 students, so the teacher can spend ample time with each student to answer all their questions.

Taught by Engineers

Our teachers have extended IT backgrounds. They are constantly researching about the latest developments in tech world. Our unique advantage of having IT experts in our group is the ability to provide professional level courses.

Progressive and Structured Curriculum

Our Courses are carefully designed in sequentially progressive structures that offer our students the opportunity to complete their learning path through their preferred platforms from beginning to the end.

The Importance of STEM and Coding

“Programming has changed the way I deal with my school work. My tutor helped me learn that there is not only one way to do things, there are many possible ways. We did a lot of fun activities that made learning more fun and exciting.”


– Aaron, Victoria Shanghai Academy

Our Programs

Group Programs

Small Classroom

We allow maximum 6 students in a class to ensure the quality of education.

Interactive Classes

Eventful and interactive classes enable students to work in a group and learn from each other.

Structured Curriculum

We created a research based curriculum for our students to continue learning.

Cutting Edge Technology

Our Teachers constantly update our courses to include the latest educational technology.

In Home Programs


As the teacher comes to your home, it gives you the convenience of saving time and effort.

Individual attention

In Home classes are very small, so the student receives the undivided attention of the teacher.


Flexible time schedule and course contents are the key parts of In Home Programs.

Tailor-made Curriculum

The teacher always focuses on modifying the curriculum to the best fit for the student.

Our Tools

App Inventor
JavaScript Programming
Minecraft Coding
Python Programming
Roblox Coding

“I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.”




Call - SMS - WhatsApp

(852) 9774 9057



19/F The Phoenix,

23 Luard Road, Wan Chai.

The Wave, 10/F,

4 Hing Yip St, Kwun Tong.